
 Favorite Places
 Plex Search
 First Abbey Road CD

Favorite Places

  WinWorld WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to the preservation and sharing of vintage, abandoned, and pre-release software.
  NINA Revival service for America Online, AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, and more!
  Escargot Chat MSN & Yahoo Messenger Revival
Friends' Sites
  Donut/amr Canadian hacker with a strong interest in embedded systems, Linux & system administration, reverse engineering, and calculators.
  Sashi marquees
  Danielle Wheeler
  Animadoria Sarcasm
  Strangeness Networks noone is here.
  campos Cool brazilian dude, does programming and stuff
  HIDEN Moar buttons!
  dkay h
  Coco's Website Microsoft Edge 89.0.774.75
  xproot's homepage a random internet person on this very random planet
  Daniel's homepage daniel daniel daniel daniel daniel daniel daniel (replace this with something real before posting)
Other Cool Stuff Nathan's Toasty Technology Page
  Optimized for no one
  Cameron's World A love letter to the Internet of old.

Sun Microsystems WinWorld Abandonware AOL Members' Choice Escargot MSN Messenger Revival Get a computer now!

Graphics created with Paint Shop Pro

© 1995-2025 Nick Higgins (nick99nack).