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Sep 14, 2017

Hurricane Irma has come and gone. Thankfully, we were spared the worst of it. It was a big, powerful storm, but surprisingly the outcome wasn't nearly as bad as last year's hurricane Matthew.

No trees fell down this year, and there were just some sticks in the yard that needed to be cleaned up. Now, that's not to say that this wasn't a powerful storm - it was. However, last year's damage was worse, most likely due to a tornado that went down our street. This year we had some pretty strong winds that vibrated the house during the strongest gusts and got a ton of rain shortly before the storm let up.

We were very lucky to not have any damage this year. The worst of it was losing power, which was restored that same evening. My friends in Florida all made it through the storm (as I knew they would), although some had quite a bit of property damage. I'm just happy they are safe.

Sep 10, 2017

Well, hurricane season has arrived once again. Supposedly the largest hurricane ever to hit the United States is on its way up through Florida right now, where it will eventually hit us in GA this evening through Monday. The wind is already starting to get a little gusty from this one.

As with Matthew, I'll try and post updates here and on Facebook whenever I can. I think I'm a little more prepared than last time, and the latest models show the path of the storm shifting to the west as well as decreasing to a tropical storm by the time it gets to our area. I've got two full tanks of propane for the grill, a full tank of gas in the car, some ice for the coolers (and more is freezing as I write this), laptops and phones are all charged up, and I've got enough food for a few days. I think we will be alright. Hopefully no trees fall on us this year.

To my friends and family in the path of this storm, stay safe. This is a big one.