Track Listing
Notes Made in Japan for Europe. Contains the same mastering as the Japanese 35DP-24. I prefer this mastering over US Jet ZK 35769, though neither are bad and some may prefer the US mastering. I find the vocals on this version to sound more natural, while the sound is a little "stuffy" overall. The US version gets rid of some of the stuffiness, but sounds more EQed, to my ears. Matrix number: 35DP-24 51A4. Catalog number: CDJETLP500 This CD contains pre-emphasis! If you rip this disc to a computer and play it back, it will sound very bright! There are many threads in various message boards across the 'net on how to deal with this, so I won't go into it here. |
© 2003-2021 Nick Higgins (nick99nack). All materials presented herein are property of their respective owners. Content is for informational purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. |